Saturday, August 1, 2015

Cadet Officer School is always inspiring

I'm standing at the sign for the Ooda Loop at Maxwell Air Force Base,
I'm back from two weeks at Maxwell Air Force Base where my co-instructor, JAG Officer Lt Col Van Wagner, and I had the pleasure of working with the finest flight of young officers we've ever seen at Cadet Officer School.

COS is patterned after the USAF Squadron Officer School and is an academically challenging course for cadets 16 and older.  COS is an in-depth study of the skills of leadership.  The course is divided between lecture, seminar, and hands-on training.

As instructors we guided the cadets through the Air Force approach to the psychology of leadership, problem-solving techniques, effective writing, speaking and group dynamics.

In addition to classes and seminars, a wide variety of top military and industry leaders came as guest speakers to discuss their experiences with the cadets.  Topics included human relations, critical thinking, leadership and national security issues.

After last year's COS two from our flight received nominations to the USAF Academy. I'm expecting even more from this year's group. Very inspiring!

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